Apr 22, 2015

Oxford International School Mumbai

Oxford International School (Photo Courtesy: Official website)

About school:

According to the official website Oxford International School was established in 2003 and its located in Kandivali East. Oxford is a international name, has the name sounds international school also provide quality education to the students with help of advanced technology and latest research which will give you a long influencing way as well as all round development to the students. The advanced corner of the school is creativity, inquiry, literacy and increasing the thinking power of the students. Teacher development program at the national level help the school to make the it’s standard at a national as well as international level.

School library
School Library
About Library: School has dynamic library with lots of books and magazines. The library environment helps the students to create passion for reading and writing. There are daily newspapers are subscribed like Times of Times of India, Hindustan Times, DNA, Maharashtra Times and Lokasatta etc.

Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool: The school has swimming pool facilities. The management also provides swimming facility to the student at a school hours and create them champions.

Play Ground
Play Ground: The school has excellent playground with many accessories like football, basket ball, volley ball, kho-kho games. The student also perform annual sports day in the same ground.

Biology Lab
Biology Lab: The school has well equipped biology lab. Lab is used for practical knowledge and gives students better understanding.

Chemistry Lab

Chemistry Lab: The school also has a different Chemistry lab for practical performance. Chemistry lab help student to understand the chemical reactions and formula of science.

Physics Lab
Physics Lab: The school have Physic lab with good equipments and facilities to perform their practical learning.

Computer Lab
 Computer Lab: Computer lab is fully loaded with high IT facilities like LED screen computers, experience faculties etc.

School Auditorium: School has lavish auditorium with a capacity of 300 students and quality sound system. All important program held in school auditorium.

Smart Classroom: Smart classroom is loaded with a highly technology. The smart class had a full size screen and learning content on a wall with beautiful design.

Toy room: Pre-primary students are facilated with a extra lavish room to motivate them. It is loaded with large number of latest toys and many playing material.

Table Tennis room: School also provide indoor play games like table tennis to the students.

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